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22nd anniversary of the establishment of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council

News Date : 14 , Apr , 2023

Celebrating the Establishment of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council: 22 Years of Dedication and Achievement


We are proud to announce the establishment of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council, an organization that has been dedicated to advancing resuscitation training and medical preparedness in Egypt, the Middle East, and North Africa for the past 22 years. Since its inception, the Egyptian Resuscitation Council has made significant achievements and pioneered various initiatives in the field of medical emergency response.


One of the notable accomplishments of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council is being the first organization in Egypt to offer internationally recognized resuscitation training. This has helped improve the quality of medical care provided during emergency situations and has contributed to saving countless lives. In addition, the organization has also introduced trauma training programs, such as the International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) and the European Trauma Course (ETC), making them accessible to healthcare professionals in Egypt.


The Egyptian Resuscitation Council has also played a crucial role in disaster medicine training in Egypt. Recognizing the importance of preparedness and response during disasters, the organization has offered specialized training programs to equip healthcare providers with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage mass casualty incidents.


Translation of international manuals has also been a significant contribution of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council. By translating and making international guidelines and manuals accessible in Arabic, the organization has helped bridge language barriers and facilitated the dissemination of crucial information to medical professionals in the region.


Furthermore, the Egyptian Resuscitation Council has been actively involved in workshops and conferences in Egypt and the MENA region. Through participation in these events, the organization has been able to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and collaborate with other stakeholders to further promote best practices in resuscitation and emergency medical care.


The achievements of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of its founders, pioneers, and all generations of members who have contributed to the organization's journey. The organization is also proud to be affiliated with esteemed international organizations, such as the European Resuscitation Council, International Trauma Life Support, ETC organization, American Safety and Health Institute, Advanced Life Support group in Manchester, UK, and Neurocritical Care Society.


As we celebrate the establishment of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council and reflect on its achievements over the past 22 years, we express our endless appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has been part of this remarkable journey. The organization remains committed to its mission of promoting excellence in resuscitation and emergency medical care in Egypt and beyond, and looks forward to continuing its important work in the years to come.


22nd anniversary of the establishment of the Egyptian Resuscitation Council